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Take the Altitude Sickness Quiz

Gazing down on the spectacular view from a mountaintop can take your breath away. That breathlessness is oftentimes more than just an awestruck reaction to the sights. It can be a symptom of altitude sickness, an illness that can strike hikers, mountain climbers, skiers, and anyone who hits the 8,000-foot mark on a mountain. Learn more about this condition by taking this true-false quiz.

1. Altitude sickness is also called mountain sickness.
2. If you live close to sea level, you are more likely to feel the effects of high altitude when visiting high places.
3. Altitude sickness occurs because a person on a mountain is so much closer to the sun than at sea level.
4. In severe cases of altitude sickness, fluid collects in the lungs and the brain swells.
5. If you notice mild symptoms of altitude sickness, it's fine to keep on climbing.
6. People with severe emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease shouldn't travel to high elevations.

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St. Louis, Missouri 63136

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