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Take the Antibiotics Quiz

Antibiotics have been called "wonder drugs." They can treat infections that once killed many people. But using these medicines when they shouldn’t be has let certain bacteria to become resistant to them. Learn more about this important issue by taking this quiz.

1. Antibiotics kill both viruses and bacteria that cause illness.
2. Antibiotics will help you get better from a cold or the flu.
3. Many antibiotics only work against certain types of bacteria.
4. If you are taking antibiotics, it's OK to stop taking the medicine when you start to feel better.
5. Keeping extra antibiotics around is a good idea in case you need them at a future date.
6. Antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria.
7. If you believe that an antibiotic would help your illness, you should demand that your healthcare provider give you one.
8. All antibiotics are safe to take during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
9. Using an antibacterial soap is a good way to keep bacteria at bay.
10. Over time, people can become resistant to bacteria.

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St. Louis, Missouri 63136

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