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Take the Appendix Quiz

The human appendix is a 3- to 6-inch narrow tube located where the small and large intestines join. It's mostly known for becoming inflamed and requiring emergency abdominal surgery for thousands of Americans each year. If you want to learn more about the appendix, take this quiz, based on information from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

1. The appendix performs what vital role in the body?
2. The appendix is found where in the abdomen?
3. Appendicitis (an inflamed appendix) may occur:
4. Appendicitis can cause:
5. The first sign of appendicitis is:
6. As the appendix becomes more inflamed, which symptom(s) might be present?
7. If you suspect you have appendicitis, what type of medicine should you not take?
8. The most common treatment for appendicitis is:

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