We continue to monitor COVID-19, flu and other respiratory viruses in our communities. Read the most current information about prevention, testing and where to go if you're sick.

COVID-19 Information
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Your action plan

Think about what you just learned about COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccine. Answer the questions below, and then download or print your summary.

This website can help you learn more about the benefits and risks of each COVID-19 vaccine. Share these resources with your health care team to discuss your decision about COVID-19 vaccination. The decision is ultimately yours, and you can connect with your health care team when you are ready.

Yes, I generally understand Not sure No, I need more information
Yes, I generally understand Not sure No, I need more information
I have work or school that would be disrupted by sick time if I were infected by COVID-19. I have a job that puts me in contact with other people, such as in health care or a school, and increases my risk for COVID-19. I want to help protect family, friends, and coworkers from getting sick with COVID-19. I am healthy and want to stay healthy. I am pregnant, and I want to protect myself and my child from COVID-19. I have a health condition that puts me at high risk for serious illness from COVID-19. I am part of a community that has been affected more by COVID-19. I live with someone who is at high risk for serious illness from COVID-19. I am over age 65 or I live with someone over age 65. Other:
Yes, definitely I think so Not sure I don't think so No, definitely not
What is my level of risk for getting COVID-19? What is my risk of having a serious illness from COVID-19? What are possible side effects of the vaccine for me? Are there any reasons I shouldn't get a COVID-19 vaccine? Where is the best place for me to get a COVID-19 vaccine? Which COVID-19 shot should I get? Can you give me a COVID-19 vaccine today? I don't need to ask any questions
No personal information is stored when completing this document. If you would like to go back to the COVID-19 vaccine tool, close this tab or window.

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General Information: 314.653.5000
Christian Hospital
11133 Dunn Road
St. Louis, Missouri 63136

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